STATE OF WISCONSIN, LRB-3504/3 JS:kaf:jf, 1997-1998 Legislature
August 28, 1997 - Introduced by Representatives UNDERHEIM, SCHAFER,
NASS, cosponsored by Senators DRZEWIECKI and FARROW. Referred to Committee
on State-Federal Relations.
Relating to: memorializing Congress to cease certain activities concerning
the United Nations and directing distribution.
Whereas, President Clinton has affirmed that his foreign policy regarding
the deployment of U.S. military forces under the authority of the United
Nations will bear little change from that of his predecessor; and
Whereas, the constitutional role of the U.S. military is to protect the
life, liberty and property of United States citizens and to defend our
nation against insurrection or foreign invasion; and
Whereas, the United States is an independent, sovereign nation and not a
tributary of the United Nations; and
Whereas, there is no popular support for the establishment of a "new world
order" or world sovereignty of any kind either under the United Nations or
under any world body in any form of global government; and
Whereas, global government would mean the destruction of our Constitution
and corruption of the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, our
freedom and our way of life; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the legislature of
the State of Wisconsin memorializes the U. S. Congress to cease
appropriating U. S. funds for any military activity that Congress has not
authorized, to cease engaging in military activity under the authority of
the United Nations or any world body, to cease giving aid to any activity
that is under the jurisdiction of the United Nations or any world body, to
cease supporting the establishment of a "new world order" or any form of
global government and to refrain from taking any further steps toward the
economic or political merger of the United States into a world body or any
form of world government; and, be it further
Resolved, That the Assembly chief clerk shall provide copies of this joint
resolution to the clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives, the
secretary of the U. S. Senate and each member of this State's congressional