Home Guard page:

Many of you have asked if you might publicly place your name on our website in the same manner as the veterans who have joined our Red, White and Blue Battalion. Succumbing to popular demand, (vox populi), we are now prepared to place your name on a list of Americans (and foreigners, if they choose) who want to express solidarity in a public forum. It will be a simple listing, by state and with your city if you choose.

We're sorry we don't have the time and space to place your comments on the list, but it would grow beyond manageable proportions. The occasional quote MAY be posted, but please understand that in order to not let it get out of hand, most will not. If you would like to be include in on this page please send a message to webmaster@mikenew.com using the subject HOME GUARD be sure to include your city and state. We will never post your name or your address without your permission. The page will be up in a few weeks, we will notify you at that time. The url will be http://www.mikenew.com/homeguard.html.

Legal Update:

Michael New will be in court again, this time before the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces (CAAF) in Washington, D.C., on 4 February 2000. This is the highest military court in the land, and with it, we will have fulfilled the demand of the Federal District Court that we first "exhaust the military remedy" before filing suit in federal courts. Please remember Michael and his attorney, Lt. Colonel Henry Hamilton in your prayers on that date, at 10:30 a.m., Eastern Standard Time.

Action Item:

In the meantime, there is an action item we want to ask you and two or three of your friends to join us in carrying out. So many of you have written to congressmen in support of Michael, and many have received back letters carrying the standard Pentagon answer that Michael New disobeyed an order, etc, etc.

Now we are asking you to write again. This time, in your own words, please ask your two senators and your representative in Congress to tell you what they intend to do to see to it that YOUR sons and daughters do not have to serve as mercenaries under the United Nations. It does not matter what they think of Michael New. What matters is YOUR family! Do what you can to extract some kind of a commitment from them. Save their replies, because we have a plan for them. (heh, heh) Find your Representative.

Young people of enlistment age need to write and tell these legislators that you have decided against military service, until they find the backbone to see to it that you can defend your country exclusively.

Within a few weeks we hope to be able to give you a bill number that will be introduced in both houses of Congress that will address this issue, and will give your congressmen an opportunity to put their votes where their mouths are. But for now we hope to "soften them up" with an artillery barrage of letters demanding that they fulfill their oath to the Constitution and come up with a plan to protect our children and grandchildren from being forced into UN service against their will.

America once fought a war, the War of 1812, over this very issue, the impressment of American sailors into the British navy. Congress has no sense of history, nor do they have a sense of understanding what it is they took an oath to defend. But they do "see the light," after they "feel the heat." This letter writing campaign is going to put some heat on them.

More on this in just a few weeks.

Items still available:
We still have copies of the documentary video, GOOD CONDUCT, The Story of Michael New, which we can send postpaid for any contribution over $12.50. The book, which is becoming a best seller, MICHAEL NEW -- Mercenary...or American Soldier?, is available in the 2nd edition paperback for $12.50 (cover price $20) prepaid, $19.95 w/ your credit card on our secure server and in 3rd edition pocketbook for $4.95. Better yet, we've decided to help you spread the word by sending you a case of 50 of these pocket books for $50 -- that's right, a "buck a book," because this isn't about making money, it's about educating an entire generation of Americans to the threat to our national sovereignty. You can sell ten to friends for $5 each, that pays for the case, and give 40 away. Or, if you need the money, put it in your pocket (after ordering another case!). Makes a great fund-raiser for your favorite group. We have a few calendars left (Bill of Rights calendars) and will send a photo of Michael in BDU's (American!) upon request.

If you have a friend on active duty in any branch of the military, or active reserve, please pass on to them our website, and let them know that America stands behind their right to serve their country exclusively.


Daniel New
Project Manager

Spc. Michael New
(on involuntary leave pending review)

Real Americans don't wear U.N. blue!